Victoria’s big day

So Barb had to cut her time in France short a bit, because of the amazing invitation by Victoria and Noa to participate in their wedding celebration. And to pray for them! If you know anything about Barb, she loves to pray. And she especially loves to pray in English! We journeyed up to Örebro (6+ hours cramped in the car!) with our pastor and friend Albin and another couple who had mentored Victoria when she was working at our church in Malmö. Again, a good time was had by all!
Totally blessed to be a part of this glorious celebration!

It was a perfect day for a wedding ~

They asked us not to take photos during the wedding ~ so that we could just focus on worshiping God and celebrating together with them.  Priceless!

They look like royalty up on this platform...too bad Sweden already has a king and queen.  But they were the king and queen for this day, for sure!

Theme of their wedding day:  second hand.  So we all wore clothing that we already had in our closets, or bought at a second hand shop.

Loved the candlestick holders!  And the pear cider from Kivik was just too yummy!

Our pastor Albin and 2 shady characters....they just so happened to be the chauffeurs for the bridal couple who took a short while to just be together after the ceremony before the dining and speeches and dancing and just hanging out began! 

And then it was time for fika!!

FIKA!!!  Enough said!

The bride....early evening edition ~

11:23pm ~ cuz we're just a month away from the summer solstice and this wedding took place way up north in Sweden ~ okay, relatively way up north!

Breakfast fika at our B&B ~ it was sunny enough to enjoy our breakfast outdoors at the Häst och Hund B&B (Horse and dog).  Yes, there were live horses and live dogs!

Barb, ever the city girl, felt the need to climb up on this tractor.  Notice the brand name.  Who knew that Lamborghini makes a tractor??

Roadside fika driving back to Malmö.  By golly, you would think that all we do here in the land of blue and gold is fika...fika...FIKA!
