What is it that you do over there in Malmö

Recently we had the thrill of being Skyped into a Sunday School class from one of our supporting churches in the Lake Superior District churches in northern Minnesota (go Lakeview Covenant!!!)  We are always thankful for Skype and Face Time and email and all the other amazing ways that we can stay connected with our ministry partners back in the US.  The time difference between Malmö, Sweden and Duluth, MN is seven hours, so we all set our watches to that pre-determined time that we would Skype.  Et voila (as the French would say), the kids were live, Steve and Barb were live, and we had good fun.

All that to say, then, that these kids had good questions that they wanted to ask the missionaries who were living in a far-off place called Sweden.  They wanted to know what time it was in Sweden, how long have we lived here, how many people live in Malmö, also how old I was ~ fair enough!  But then they wanted to know how many people had we talked with about Jesus, and do people believe you when you tell them about Jesus.  Who/what do the refugees miss the most was perhaps the most difficult question to answer.  And do you miss your family is always the one that makes my heart leap a bit and I struggle to fight back my tears.  Living far away from our families and friends hasn’t gotten any easier with the years that we’ve been gone from the US!

So, in honor of the Lakeview Sunday School kids, we thought we’d add a few photos from life as it happens here in Malmö, so that they, and you, can get a glimpse into what we’re doing here as we share Jesus with the people that God brings to us.
Bring on the sugar!

TJIF ~ Thank Jesus It's Friday ~ it's the kids' program that meets on Friday nights and tonight they had a Wesley Church Bake Off.

The theme of the evening was a continent....can you guess which continent is represented here?  Hint:  Dark brown cupcakes, those little red candies are little monkeys, and the white in the photo was food for the monkeys.

This was Antartica, complete with penguins and icebergs.  Didn't look so spectacular but sure tasted "jättegott".  And in the end of the evening, this team won the prize and were pronounced "bakmastare för TJIF".

I shouldn't have to help you here....flag, strawberries, Marimekko...Pastor David's home country....FINLAND!

We love how our house just lends itself to hosting large groups of people!

This is the staff at Wesleykyrkan.  Can you guess who is Steve and Barb, Pastor David, Anna-Lena and Frida?
 The kids who participated in TJIF that evening started at church, where they had music and devotions and started their evening together.  They came to our place just to bake, make a mess, and have fun....and not necessarily in that order.

NEXT POST WILL BE ABOUT OUR SPRÅKCAFÉ (language conversation class)


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