These are a few of my favorite things

Okay, I promise I won’t break out in singing “I simply remember my favorite things” from The Sound of Music.  But after a several week long stretch of stress and ill health (which included three trips to the emergency room, in two different countries), it’s time to sit back and reflect on some of my favorite things.  So here goes….

Old Friends ~ Nothing like connecting with college girlfriends and their families to cheer up a girl's heart when she feels far away from her home land.

Found time to play together on the coast

Of course there was fika involved....cookie buffet!
Have taken loads of photos through 40 years of friendship with this Turtle!
Bring on another college Turtle friend and son ~ feeling the love!

New Friends ~ We are so blessed with all our new friends here in Sweden....too many pictures to post, but here's a keeper for sure!
Love this friend and her passion for life and exquisite Swedish cuisine.....even if it comes in the form of stinky fish, "surströmming"!

And now for a few of our favorite new sights in Sweden....

Love what God is teaching us together as a team ~ it's good to go for a walk together!
In our neighborhood ~ right in the middle of Sweden's 3rd largest city

Also in the neighborhood....check out the high rise apartment buildings on the far left and the US flag up front alongside the Swedish flag...

This was a Nespresso coffee shop visit.  George Clooney wasn't there, but they sure made it look so elegant while serving it in this glass...though that's not typically Swedish, in any way, shape or form!  FYI the coffee was yummy!

And now for your reading pleasure....
There is a news website called The Local that publicizes news in English.  Here is an interesting article that caught my attention today.  I told Steve "you know you're living in Sweden when you read a story about a truck accident to avoid hitting an elk and there is herring chaos involved!"

As if that wasn’t bad enough….
Learning to love the Swedish coastline, on whichever side of the country we happen to be at the moment ~


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