In my 20
something years (okay, so a long time ago now!), there was this song: "It’s my
Father’s House". They sang about our Father God’s house which had lots and lots
of rooms; a big big yard where we could play football”. We are so blessed in the house that God has
allowed us to enjoy these past 4 years here in Malmö. We don’t play much football in the yard, but
we sure do enjoy the yard. Take a look
And be prepared for some "eye candy", as the saying goes!
Setting the stage....dreaming about the allium that will show up this summer as I work on a cross stitch project for a friend ~ one of my new favorite flowers in Sweden ~
The early spring flowers ~ first come the snow drops and crocus, then the tulips, daffodils and the grape hyacinths ~ lots of color!
We'll also have 3 lilac bushes ready to burst forth with purple and white....and it looks like a pink lilac bush is maturing enough to make a statement this spring!
The hydrangea was a purchase from IKEA for approximately $5 ~ bonus!
Yeah...just because....of course the tulips in our yard would be yellow and red, which are the colors of the Skåne flag (the southernmost region of Sweden where we live)
Okay, not my flowers but they are just about 10 minutes away in the city garden :-)
These babies are abundant in our yard ~ a fresh splash of blue works for me!
Our porch with a view...
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