Freedom looks good on you

Församlingsdag 2021. The church's annual retreat day.  Usually happens in the fall.  Saturday, 18 September to be exact.  Out at Nybostrand, the camping site that is cared for by another local Equmeniakyrkan congregation.  Ours to rent for the day.  We ate together.  We laughed together.  We cried together.  We danced together (oh my!) And we worshipped our God together and learned how to be “the church” of all generations, of all nations, together.

Fika!  Because there always has to be fika involved....

The church that hangs together stays together!

There always should be a good game of kubb involved at any church gathering!

Just hanging together...and wow, we were super blessed with great weather!



Another fika.

Oh yeah, and we sang happy birthday and one guy blew out 19 candles!

Grill party with all the hot dogs that you could ever imagine.


Our theme:  nothing other than Jesus.  We danced to Freedom looks good on you.

Freedom looks good on you!

There can never be too much fika...

Birthday boy, first in line!

With a sudden change of plans due to illness, the team pulled off a program that had people spending time together, praying together, singing together, playing kubb together, listening to one another and sharing our hopes and dreams for this congregation.


Freedom looks good on us.

A lot of work.

But a whole lot of fun!



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